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Electric vehicles are more important, and better for our planet. Just think about it, whenever you pump gas into your car/s, you are inadvertently funding terrorism. The Gas companies (BP, EXXON, to name a few) don't want you changing to an electric car. Why? Because their profits (billions of dollars) would stop.

To sum it up, gasoline was never important. Yeah, it made our cars, generators, and other appliances work, but at the same time, every gallon of gas we drove off, created 20 pounds of Carbon Dioxide.

You DO know that Carbon Dioxide is poisonous, right?

Imagine what that does to our planet, the wildlife, and us. You.


Gasoline sucks. The faster we get off of our dependency, the better.

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Q: Why is gasoline important?
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Does gasoline go bad?

Yes, gasoline starts to go bad when it is about 1 month old. After 6 months you should not burn it in an engine unless you have put a fuel stabilizer in it. In that case it will be usable for about 8 months. This is also important with small gasoline engines on lawnmowers for example. Bad or old gasoline can damage a small engine very easily.

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Is gasoline a element a mixture or a compound

What substances are formed from a mixture of compounds?

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