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Fossils abound in sedimentary rock, you are in fact very likely to find them there.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Because in sedimentary rocks the fossils were in the layers not all metamorphic rocks use to be sed and igneous are made of lava or magma so they couldnt have rocks in them

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8y ago

The processes of metamorphism will usually destroy any fossils in the protolith.

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Q: Why is it rare to fine fossils in metamorphic rocks?
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Why are fossils rare in igneous and metamorphic rock?

This is because igneous and metamorphic rocks are created under extreme heat and pressure, and very few fossils would survive those conditions. The most common forms of fossils are those found in sedimentary rocks.

Would you find fossils in metamorphic rock?

You can but it very very rare. you are more likely to find them in sedimentary rocks.

What are the natural substance found in rocks?

Crystals and minerals, but not fossils, as the intense pressure would have destroyed them (except in some rare contact metamorphic rocks).

Which type of rock igneous or metamorphic contains fossils?

Though somewhat rare, either rock type could contain fossils.

Why are fossils so rare in igneous or highly metamorphosed rock?

Probably because both igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed by means other that don't allow for fossils to be preserved.For example, igneous rocks iare made of cooled magma and the only way a fossil would emerge would be through falling into the magma and not melting.

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Gneiss metamorphic rocks, a stressed formation produces it along with quartzite and schist, two other metamorphic rocks.

Does lamprophyre form fossils?

A lamprophyre is a type of ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is very rare for fossils to be formed in igneous rocks (and they usually only form as mold fossils in extrusive deposits). As such fossils will not form in lamprophyres.

Why aren't fossils found in metamorphic rock?

Because metamorphic rocks usually are subject to large amounts of pressure. This pressure can break down all the grains in the sedimentary rock, and the fossils will be broken down as well. It's still the same material, but it has a different shape.

Which type of rock would be most likely to contain fossils?

Generally, fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because other rocks (igneous and metamorphic) would expose fossils to too much heat while the rocks formed. However, there are rare exceptions to this.

One reason fossils are rarely found in Precambrian rocks is that?

Precambrian rocks contain relatively fewer fossils than rocks from different eras. This may be due to the fact that the rocks from this era were subject to a lot of heat and pressure, or were exposed to erosion.

Can air make up a metamorphic rock?

Rocks are normally composed of interlocking mineral crystals or clasts. It is rare for metamorphic rocks to be porous and as such there is likely to be very little if any air in them. An example of a very porous rock due to the presence of gasses coming out of solution from a lava is pumice.

What does silver look like in rocks?

Black to dark Grey, in most cause, though very rare to fine silver seams !