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It's important because it's the particle that gives everything mass (kinda like weight) in Physics. If this particle doesn't exist, it means that all of the science we have relied on so far in Physics, is wrong. This includes Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, or the greatest work Einstein is known for (E=mc2). That's why it's important.

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Q: Why is the Higgs boson particle important?
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A Higgs-Boson particle.

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For discovering Higgs Boson, a new subatomic particle.

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The facility that found the most unambiguous evidence for the reality of the Higgs Boson is CERN.

How the higgs boson got its name?

It is a boson, a type of particle, that is a part of the Higgs mechanism, a theory of how particles can have mass if they are just energy

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If you think to the boson Higgs this is not a small particle.

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The true name of the so called (by non specialists) god particle is the Higgs boson; this particle was predicted but not discovered until now. The Higgs boson is not the equivalent of the antimatter.

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by a particle called higgs boson

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Quarks are point-like particles found mainly in baryons, mesons etc. The Higgs boson is a primary particle produced when the higgs field is excited

What is boson particle?

The boson particle is usually associated with the Higgs field. It is an energy field that transmits the mass to the things that travel through it.

What type of physics is the higgs boson involved with?

Particle physics. Specifically, the Standard Model of Particle Physics was centered around the Higgs Boson- had the boson not been found to exist, then modern physics as we know it would be on very shaky ground.

Is there any matter called 'GOD'?

The hypothetical particle called the Higgs boson is also known as the "god particle", pressumably because of its important role.