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beacuse there has been so many volcanoes.

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Q: Why is the pacific ring of fire so significant?
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Is Jamaica in the ring of fire?

The ring of fire is on the pacific side, so no.

What plates form the ring of fire?

The Pacific 'Ring of Fire' is its full proper name and so the Ring of Fire is situated around the edges of the Pacific plate.

Why is the Ring of Fire so active?

cuz it circles the pacific ocean

What is the pattern of volcaneos on the pacific rim?

well, the ring of fire is in the pacific coast so it makes a circle

Where is the ring of fire and why is it so geologically active?

It is around the edge of the pacific ocean

Why is the pacific Rim so volatile?

It is so volatile because the Earths plates are all meeting around the Pacific. (The Ring of Fire) This causes lots of movement at the Pacific Rim.

Why do you think the area around the Pacific Plate is called the Pacific Ring of Fire?

Because the Pacific Ocean just has so many volcanoes. The Ring of Fire, also known as the circum-Pacific seismic belt, is home to more than 75% of the world's volcanoes. About 90% of the world's earthquakes originate along the Ring of Fire.

What is the ring of fire and why are there so many in the area?

The ring of fire is a half oval. Around the rim a ring of volcanoes.the ring of fire is around the pacific ocean. I know because i did a project on this in 5th grade. The reason there are so many is because the volcanoes make up the ring of fire.and because god wanted them like that

Why does the ring of fire have tsunamis volcanoes and earthquakes?

The Ring of Fire is also known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. The yellow line is the location of the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire is bascically where the Earth's tectonic plates have spread apart and cracked, allowing warm lava to rise and causing many earthquakes and volcanoes. Also, the plates here often shift and that is why there are often tsunamis. Tsunamis are caused underwater by onshore earthquakes that are very powerful.

Where do volcanoes mostly happen?

Volcanoes happen mostly around 'the ring of fire' this is a so called 'ring' around the pacific ocean, this 'ring' is one of the weakest spots on the earth's surface.

Did the earthquake in japan strike in the Pacific Ocean?

Yes, because since Japan is located in the ring of fire (volcanoes, earthquakes) and there is very active faults in the Pacific Ocean. Japan, unfortunately sits in the Ring of Fire of the Pacific and is very prone to Earthquakes and Tsunamis and so, the Japan disaster Happened. (I hope they get better in time. . .)

What type of mountains led early explorers to call the rim of the Pacific Ocean the Ring of Fire?

The Ring of Fire is so called because of the large amount of volcanic activity that occurs around the rim.