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The loss of water ( in vapor form) from aerial or above surface parts of the plant is called transpiration. Transpiration is said to be a necessary evil because it is inevitable, although potentially harmful, to the existence of wet cell surfaces which evaporation occurs. Loss of water from the plant then results wilting, often then death of the plant if a drought is occurs.

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Q: Why is transpiration called necessary evil?
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Why is transpiration called a necessary evil?

Water transpiration means water movement through a plant. As the plant opens stomata to release carbon dioxide, some water escapes too. This cools the plants and causes moisture in the atmosphere.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of transpiration?

the disdadvanteges are namely the loss of water. Water provides turgidity for plants, and is necessary to undergo the process of photosynthesis. 95% of water absorbed by plants is released in transpiration. Transpiration Is rightly known as a necvesray evil.

What is the evaporation of water from leaves of plants called?

This phenomenon is called transpiration.

What is the prosses in which water vapor escapes the leaf?


What is the loss of water through a plant's leaves is called?

Evaporation of water through the plant's leaves is called transpiration.

Water can enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the leaves of plants in what process?

osmosis or The Water Cycle: Transpiration- evaporation from the leaves of plants

Process in which water evaporates from the surface of plant leaves?

This process is called transpiration.

What is the process called when water vapour is lost from leafs?

The process of leaves giving off water vapor is transpiration.

Evaporation of water from surface of the leaf is called?

This phenomenon is called transpiration.

Advantages of friction a necessary evil?

A necessary evil means that friction has advantages as well as disadvantages so it called as necessary evil. Advantages of friction areits helps us to walkto writedriving car, etc,

Why is transpiration necessary?

Mainly in cooling of plants. Also aid in water transport by transpiration pull.

What is a loss of water from the stomata of the leaves called?

It is called transporation