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you should recycle because you are helping decrease the pollution. because pollution causes global warming and as we've seen on T.V. the ice and snow caps are melting, soon polar bears and penguins and other polar animals will be extinct. scientist have a theory that if this continues the ocean levels will increase which might cause the water to cover the land.

your friend the 10 year old (i actually am 10)

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11y ago

it is beneficial because otherwise the world will become a big waste dump and no one will take it seriously and become really ill.

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Q: Why should every household recycle?
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What is present tense of recycle?

recycle / recycles / am,is,are recycling.I recycle all my household waste.She recycles all her household waste to.We are recycling our household wastes.

How to recycle household products?

Recycle everything you can.

When should people recycle?

Every day!

What can you recycle household into?

by filtering it

Should every school recycle its rubbish?

Yes, they should.

Can you recycle household batteries for money?

no stupid

How can you recycle oil?

Most auto shops recycle their oil, and those that do DIY oil changes should recycle or dispose of their oil properly through household hazardous waste (HHW) facilities, auto shops or other collection sites.

What is a household product that every household should use each day with a symbol on it?

DHMO, dihydrogen monoxide

If one household on a street does not meet their recycling quota all households on the street will have to pay a fine?

i think they should because...the govement what them to recycle more and that's a some sort of warning to them that if you don't recycle as much then u have to pay a small fine.

How do you recycle household products What type of essay would be used for this topic?

Expository essay

What percentage of Canadian recycle their household waste?

Some do, some don't.

What type of essay would be used to write about the topic how to recycle household products?
