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There are blood vessels (coronary arteries) that feed the heart's cardiac muscle (myocardium) the oxygen it needs to continue pumping.

If these vessels have some kind of blockage (i.e. heart disease), then the heart wouldn't have oxygen it needs to function, leading to heart failure and possible death.

The heart bypass surgery is then done to fix this problem.

By taking a part of another blood vessel in the body (usually great saphenous vein is used), and is grafted to the vessel causing the problem for the heart.

And so, blood flow to the heart's important muscle is once again undisturbed.

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11y ago

Blood vessels often become clogged by fat deposits that coat the inside of the vessel, or by blood clots. The heart must always have an adequate blood supply, since it must always have energy with which to continue pumping. If the heart stops pumping, the person is dead (although it is sometimes possible to revive a person whose heart has stopped, by means of cardiopulmonary resuscitation). So, if the blood vessels that supply the heart are too clogged to provide enough blood, it is possible to surgically alter the blood flow, by connecting blood vessels in new ways, to increase the blood flow to the heart.

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9y ago

Some times your heart surgeon will decides to go for bypass operation on you. The blocks in your coronary arteries may be multiple and too narrow to pass the cardiac catheter. You will have better prognosis with by pass surgery, specially when you are young and other wise fit for the surgery.

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The term "open heart surgery" is really used incorrectly. We use it to mean a surgery where the chest is cut open to get the heart. A "bypass surgery" is where they cut open your chest and reroute the large blood vessels (arteries) on the outside of the heart. We do wrongfully call Bypass Surgery a type of Open Heart Surgery. But I would call a real "open heart surgery" where they cut open the chest and then cut open the heart to work inside the heart, like replace valves.

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The cost of a bypass surgery depends on the location the surgery is performed, I imagine bypass surgery on the heart would be pretty costly. To find out the cost of a bypass surgery you can ask your doctor or go to a local hospital and talk to some professionals on that subject.

Are there any risks of bypass surgery?

Anytime you have surgery there are risks, especially when you are dealing with general anesthesia like you will be with gastric bypass surgery. The risks with this kind of surgery may also very from person to person. The best thing to do would be to talk to your doctor because he/she will be able to give you the most educated opinion in if this surgery is best for you.

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People who had undergo gastric bypass surgery must stick to a certain diet, in order to keep the staple in the stomach from tearing or stretching, as this would defeat the purpose of the surgery.

Where can I learn more about gastric bypass surgery and weight gain?

If you are looking for information on gastric bypass surgery and or weight gain this website would be the right one.

What is involved in a band surgery?

"Band surgery would be referred to as Gastric Bypass surgery. They place a band around the stomach to reduce intake of food, thus helping an obese person to lose weight."

Is gastric bypass considered bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a broad term used to describe weight loss surgeries. Gastric bypass surgery falls under the category of a bariatric surgery. Therefore, getting a bariatric surgery, isn't necessarily indicative that you would be getting gastric bypass.

Are the surgeons for gastric bypass plastic surgery experts in the field?

There are docotrs who are experts in the field of bariatrics. These would be the doctors would be most qualified to perform gastric bypass plastic surgery.

Is bypass surgery my only option?

Gastric bypass surgery is one option. I would recommend speaking with your Doctor. He may give you other options on how to lose weight before looking into surgery.

What are the risks of quadruple heart bypass surgery?

Any surgery is risky. Believe it or not there is a high rate of success in heart surgery. Specialists for the heart have come a long way and are very adept at what they do and deaths are at a very low percentage. The most important thing is the patient has faith in them. If a patient is going in for ANY surgery and has ANY questions they should speak to their doctor or try to schedule a meeting with the heart surgeon. The patient has a right to know what is going to happen before, during and after heart surgery. Since this is a 3rd open heart bypass then the patient would find it frightening, but more comfortable about it than having to go through it the first time. The mind is a wonderful thing, so a good outlook for heart surgery of any sort is a must. Learning relaxation exercises (slow breathing, small walks if the specialist OKs this.) Even if a person can't walk they can listen to soft music, close their eyes and invision a beautiful place they would like to be and they don't have to take one step to do that. Believing in the faith of your choice is one of the strongest things a person has going for them. The patient should allow short visits from family and friends so they are not constantly alone with their fears. I know many people who have heart surgery and it's added many, many years onto their lives. Good luck & God Bless Marcy

Where can I find advice on bypass surgery?

I would suggest going to This is an online gastric bypass support forum. Members include past patients and physicians.