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It could be that your choke is not kicking on right away. Once the iginition is turned on for a bit, the choke kicks on allowing your vehicle to then start up no problem. Maybe a bad wire to the the choke or something of that matter. I am currently having the same problem and I'm trying to figure out what is exactly wrong with it. Hope it helps you out a bit. PEACE

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Q: Why would your car sometimes makes a low groan and not start but if you turn the key to the ON position for a few seconds then turn the key while pressing the gas it will start?
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What makes a 1994 Chrysler LeBaron sedan groan when going over speed bumps or when you climb into the front seat or if you push up and down on the fenders?

Your shocks or worn bushings are the most likely causes.

Why do the elderly grunt or make repetitive soiunds?

Not all elderly people grunt or make repetitive sounds. However, the ones that do likely suffer from an illness, disease, or disorder of some kind. Some grunt and groan out of exhaustion because their body has aged and tires quickly, and some grunt in pain from arthritis or other more serious complications.

How do you change the starter on 1999 CRV?

You can change it from the top (unlike a chevy). You first have to remove the air cleaner cover. Then the whole air delivery system (the black plastic parts). To do this you loosen the worm clamp which holds the air system to the intake manifold, pull it off the manifold, and take the little hose off (in that area) also. Then you have to remove a bolt behind the air cleaner box. The air box is held down in the front by a plastic plug. You may really have to tug on that front connection to get it off. Once you pull that mess out, you can see the starter to remove it. Make sure that you disconnect the + terminal from the battery before disconnecting the starter wiring. The connector on the bottom left of the starter can be a buggar to pull off, too -- just wiggle & groan a little. You should be able to figure it out, now that you can see the bolts which hold it on.

What are some regular verbs that begin with the letter G?

Gabby, gainful, gal, gala, gallant, galaxy, galley, gallon, gallop, gambit, gamble, gangling, gap, garage, garden, garlic, gaseous, gather, gas, gaudy, gaunt, gaze, general, generate, generous, genetic, genial, gentle, genteel, gentle, genuine, geographic, geometric, get, ghastly, ghetto, ghost, giant, giddy, gift, gifted, gigantic, giggle, gilt, gin, ginger, gingerly, give, given, giving, glad, glamorous, glass, gleeful, glib, global, gloomy, glue, glum, gnash, gnaw, go, goat, god, godly, godson, golden, golf, good, goofy, gorgeous, gospel, got, gothic, govern, grab, graceful, gradual, graduate, grand, graphic, grass, gratis, grave, gray, grease, great, grease, green, greet, grey, grim, grin, grind, grip, gritty, groan, groovy, gross, grotesque, ground, group, grow, grown, grubby, gruff, grumpy, guard, guess, guide, guilty, guitar, gun, gusty, gummy, guzzle and gym are words. They begin with the letter g.

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