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A map

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Q: Would a cartographer work on a map or a globe?
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Would a catographer work on a map or globe?

Answer Is: A MAP

What line is located at 66 degrees south?

There's no line there, but if a cartographer chose to draw one on his map or globe, then it would be the 'parallel' of 66° south latitude.

2. another name for a map mapmaker?


How would you use the word cartographer in a sentence?

Cartographer is the word for map-maker, so a sentence using it would be, "The cartographer sat down in the rough, oak chair, glancing at the half-drawn map of some small Irish town, thinking of anything but Ireland or maps."

What is a synonym for cartographer?

map maker is the synonym for cartographer. source:

What is map makers?

A cartographer.

What is a map maker?

A cartographer.

Who makes a map?


Can you give me a sentence with cartographer in it?

If you need a map drawing ask a cartographer, not a cartoonist.

What is a map-maker called?

A cartographer.

What is a person that makes a map?

A cartographer.

What are the nicknames for a map maker?

A Cartographer.