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Change drugs, the ones you have don't seem to be working.

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Q: You have been on Sulfasalazine for 13 weeks for psoratic arthritis in your hands They have swollen up What do you do?
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Related questions

What does it mean to have Swollen joints in little fingers only?

Swollen joints in your hands can indicate you may have arthritis. The other symptoms of arthritis are joints that are stiff, inflamed, and painful. The joints affected can be in your hands, feet, and wrists.

What does arthritis look like?

A person with arthritis looks like anyone else unless the hip, knee, or ankle joints are so effected that they can no longer walk. If the hands are affected, the fingers might be swollen and crooked, or there may be "knots" on the joints.

What are some symptoms of Ross River Virus?

arthralgia, arthritis, myalgia, skin rash, fever, fatigue, headache, and swollen lymph nodes. Tingling and pain in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet

Is there a disease similar to arthritis that effects only the hands?

If you are getting the symptoms of arthritis in both hands then it is likely that you have RA rheumatoid Arthritis it would be wise to have this checked out with your doctor in order to prevent the damage that this disease can do to your hands and other joints that are not presently effected.

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Does mark Harmon have arthritis?

As an MD it’s easy to tell that Mark Harmon has significant arthritis in both hands. Swollen finger joints and ulnar deviated fingers. Shows in every pic since 2017. It’s why he wears very long sleeves. Absolutely common part of ageing.

Causes of swollen hands?

usally allergic reactions

Rheumatoid arthritis in hands surgical appliances?

Damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis can lead to a replacement of damaged joints.

How do you know when you are carrying water weight?

swollen hands and ankles.

Does arthritis cause shaking hands?

No but could be associated with diseases that cause tremorsAdditional answer:Some of the medications that treat rheumatoid arthritis or other types of auto-immune disorders, may cause shaking hands or even cause neurological problems. If someone has arthritis and their hands are shaking, they should talk to their doctor.