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If you are an Australian. see your GP and get a referral to a specialist that treats public patients. if you are employed you are up for one consultation fee and after that you go onto a waiting list of up to 3 months for surgery entirely free of charge. if you are a pensioner or unemployed the state also wears the specialist consultation fee.

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Q: You may need knee surgery but have no insurance and very little income what do you do?
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If you are scheduled to have knee surgery and you switch jobs and put your surgery off for several months can the new insurance company deny coverage of your surgery?

No, HIPAA portability.

How much does arthroscopic knee surgery cost in DC without insurance?

An arm and a leg - at least!

What is a typical payout from an insurance company for a fall resulting in knee surgery?

$99million. Just send in a bill for the damage.

How would a knee brace benefit you after knee surgery?

A knee brace has its own benefits especially after knee surgery. One, there's mainly the problem of additional damage to the weak bone of the knee after knee surgery.

How much does knee surgery cost in san francisco?

The average cost of knee surgery in San Francisco is $15,800. This applies only to minimal knee surgery such as arthroscopic surgery.

Do you need surgery for a segond fracture of the knee?

segond fracture of the knee the surgery

How do you know if you need knee surgery?

Pain, discomfort, deformity, unstable knee and frequent locking of the knee will indicate the need for surgery

What is the most common surgery used instead of knee revision surgery?

Arthroscopy is the most common surgical alternative to knee revision surgery.

When Niall Horan hurt his knee when he was younger did he have surgery then?

He didn't hurt his knee when he was young, he hurt his knee a few months ago. And he does have to get surgery for it. But for right now he wears a knee brace.

What is a Revision TKA knee Surgery?

revision total knee arthroscopy

Will Shawn michaels appear at the 2009 raw tour?

no he will not because he injured his knee a little over a year ago and finally got knee surgery after wrestlemaina. he will be out till November or sometime in 2010.

Where can one find more information about virtual knee surgery?

Information on virtual knee surgery can be found on the Edheads website. One can go through the entire process of a knee surgery. One can simulate being the surgeon as well.