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just going to say that it really does bnot matter

u know some people use their mputh or feet to paint with. MATTERS ON YOUR INTEREST ABILITY AND SKILLS

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Q: Are left handed people better at art than right handed people?
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Would it be better to be left handed or right handed?

Most people are right handed & fewer people are left handed. Some people even think it's better to be right handed! But the truth is, it really doesn't matter. So if you're left or right handed...Both of them are good!

Is left handed better than right handed?

I think left cause most people are right handed so being left handed is rare so that's good but which ever hand you write with it doesn't matter. But I'm left handed so.

What hand in badminton is better?

if you are right handed, your right hand, if you are left handed, your left hand

Is there more left hand people in the world or right?

Approximately 90% of people are right-handed, while approximately 10% are left-handed. This means that right-handed people are more common than left-handed people.

In softball which hand do players catch with?

For right handed people they do catch with their left and throw with their right. For left handed people, they catch with their right and throw with their left. Both players have to potential to bat from either side of the plate.

Does a right handed human live longer than a left handed human?

believe it or not right handed people live longer then left handed people (on this juice lid it said: left hand people die 9 or 6 years earlier then right handed people) dont worry the people who are left hand im with left handed to

What is another word for right handed people?

Another word for right handed people is "dextral" and For left handed people "sinistral"

Who lives longer right handed or left handed?

On average, right-handed people live about nine years longer than left-handed people.

Is there a lefthanded Guitar Hero controller?

no such guitar controller has been commercially produced for left handed people but many creative left handed people have made or modified a right handed guitar controller to be left handed. playing a right handed guitar left handed is still easily achievable and is why no people bother to have a left handed specific controller.

Are more people right or left handed?


Who is faster right handed people or left handed people?

It depends. Left handed but people who write with both are same. If you write with left then you could be slow because you have to move your left 'cos you write left-to-right. If you write with right then you could be fast because it is easier.

Are most artists left handed?

More people are right handed. Only 30% are left handed artists