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yes it had to do with finding fragments of her past on it it showed her relasons on it.andotherstuf.

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Q: Does the francois vase have anything to do with Aphrodite?
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What to get my mom for mother's day when we're moving in a month and can't take anything major with us?

Flowers usually are a good bet. If you have a vase at home, you can order flowers without a vase. If no vase at home, you can order with a vase. It should not be difficult to take the vase with you when you move.

Is there anything named after Aphrodite?

Yes, aphrodisiacs, and the planet Venus was named after Aphrodite's Roman name.

What as Aphrodite's husband named?

Aphrodite's husband was Hephaestus. Not that that seems to have stopped her from having sex with anything in a chlamys.

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Anything with Jean-Francois Paillard conducting is likely to be excellent.

Did Hestia carry around anything?

She is seen sometimes in vase paintings with a flowered branch.

Anything you need to know about Aphrodite?

She was the most beautiful woman in the legend, and there are lots of pictures and statues of Aphrodite, It's planet is Venus etc.

Why did people pray to Aphrodite?

Aphrodite (Roman, Venus) was the Greek goddess of love and beauty, so people would pray to her for anything concerning those.

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who was francois leguat

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Francois Grobbelaar's birth name is Pierre Francois Grobbelaar.

What has the author Francois Villon written?

Francois Villon has written: 'The poems of Francois Villon'