Back in the days people needed something to produce several copies of a document quickly. This can be done using a contact print process on light-sensitive sheets, often negatives.
In 1861 Alphonse Louis Poitevin found that ferro-gallate in gum is light sensitive. A coating of this chemical on a paper or linen was used to reproduce an image from a translucent document. Light however turned the document permanent blue and the process was unable to reproduce color or shades of grey.
The "Blue Prints" was therefore at that time blue sheets with light lines.
A lithograph is a print too, produced from the lithography process and a metal plate. It is the only process to produce prints, so there are no non-lithograph prints to compare lithographs with. Some prints were made from engraved templates centuries ago, and this method is still used for stamps, but nor for prints anymore.
A document in portrait print:
Prints became quick and cheap
colin paynton is an english artist, best known for his woodblock prints of wildlife, birds, and landscapes. he is now known as colin see-paynton as he changed/ altered his name when he got married.
The Blue Angel
Who can you contact to help read blue prints?
they are blue because they are blue and printed
Yes! A modern day home or structure can must have blue prints.
No. They didn't make prints at all.
In DNA in the nucleus
Blue prints
He prints his name clearly.The homophone for prince is prints.
DNA --> mRNA --> proteins. Your pick. :-)
One can make their own blue prints by using blueprint building software. There are many different options to choose from, but it makes it a lot easier to make them.
a mportent selected quesion of class 12th. its a blue print.