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Cavemen used to get juice from fruits and other plants. They used the juice like paint, and just painted on the walls. Coloured rocks and minerals were also used, such a haematite and calcite. The paintings themselves were probably done using hands and fingers or sticks. Some of the most amazing finds of art in caves are the outlines of hands, where the artist held paint in their mouth, placed their hand on the wall of the cave and blew the paint over their hand leaving the outline of their hand on the wall. All this was done by the light of small lamps.

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Q: How did people paint in caves?
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Why did people paint on the walls of caves?

People painted on the walls of caves as a form of visual expression, possibly for ceremonial or spiritual purposes, to tell stories, or to record important events like hunting expeditions. These cave paintings may have also served as a way to communicate with others in the community or as a means of marking territory.

Did neaderthals paint caves?

I don't think evidence of Neanderthal art has been found, but that doesn't necessarily mean they didn't create any. This does assume of course that there were any suitable caves where their tribes lived.

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