They viewed it with contempt and considered it a "backward" time.
The Medici family was the great patron of renaissance artists.
patronage of Renaissance artists.
Today, many artists and composers are inspired by those from the Renaissance, thus giving them the inspiration to create masterpieces of their own. Also, when we look at Renaissance art, we are truly awed at the precise detail and perspective.
they died.
They viewed it with contempt and considered it a "backward" time.
they died.
International Gothic
providing patronage for renaissance artists
Engravings and woodcuts
The Medici family was the great patron of renaissance artists.
Renaissance artists means painters, sculptors, etc, who worked in the Renaissance era. That was in the 15th and early 16th centuries.
Roman Empire did help inspire the renaissance artists.
European Renaissance artists made paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts.
patronage of Renaissance artists.