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Q: How does Donatello and David exhibit humanist thought of the Early Renaissance?
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How does Donatellos David exhibit humanist thought of the Early Renaissance?

Donatello David exhibited humanist thoughts of the Early Renaissance because it captures the beauty of the human form.

Which sentence best describes how Raphael's Marriage of the Virgin reflects Iltalian High Renaissance beliefs?

Which sentence best describes how Raphael's Marriage of the Virgin reflects Italian High Renaissance beliefs?It demonstrates humanist thought in that biblical religious figures have a modern Renaissance setting.

Which sentence best describes how Raphael's Marriage of the Virgin reflects Italian High Renaissance beliefs?

It demonstrates humanist thought in that biblical religious figures have a modern Renaissance setting.

What sentence best describes how Raphael's Marriage of the Virgin reflects Italian High Renaissance beliefs?

It demonstrates humanist thought in that biblical religious figures have a modern Renaissance setting.

How did Renaissance humanist thought differ from medieval thought?

Medieval times were more of a dark time where they was a lot os superstition and war but in renaissance times these people started to get more interested in artwork and more technologically advanced but there was still a lot of superstition there.

Who was Erasmus of Rotterdam?

Erasmus of Rotterdam was a Dutch philosopher, theologian, and humanist scholar who lived during the Renaissance period. He is best known for his works on classical and Christian learning, as well as for his criticism of the Catholic Church's practices and doctrines. Erasmus was a leading figure in the intellectual movement of the Renaissance and had a significant influence on humanist thought in Europe.

During the renaissance a new intellectual movement known as humanist evolved. What was the signifiance of the humanist movement?

The humanist movement during the Renaissance emphasized individual potential and the importance of education, classical learning, and the arts. It led to a renewed interest in the study of literature, philosophy, and history, fostering a new era of critical thinking, creativity, and human-centered values. Humanism also played a key role in the development of modern thought, influencing fields such as politics, science, and religion.

How did humanism affect society during the renaissance?

Humanism during the Renaissance promoted a focus on individual potential, reasoning, and classical learning. This led to a greater emphasis on education, the arts, and human achievements. Humanist ideas also influenced the development of modern science, philosophy, and political thought.

What are the premises of humanist thought?

Answers to human problems lie with humans.

In what way did Renaissance thought contribute to the age of exploration?

in what why did Renaissance thought contrubute to the age of exploration?

How did Geoffrey Chaucer influence the Renaissance?

Geoffrey Chaucer's works, especially "The Canterbury Tales," helped popularize Middle English vernacular literature and influenced the development of English as a literary language. His use of character development and social commentary set a precedent for humanist thought during the Renaissance. Chaucer's writing style and themes influenced later Renaissance writers such as Shakespeare and Spenser.

What is humanist how did humanism relate to the renaissance?

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings. In the Renaissance, humanism played a significant role as it focused on classical art, literature, and thought, leading to a revival of interest in the ideas and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. This emphasis on human potential and achievement contributed to the growth of individualism, critical thinking, and creativity during the Renaissance period.