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The use of perspective changed. Central perspective was invented early in renaissance.

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Q: How is renaissance painting different from meddle ages painting?
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What is the painter of meddle age?

there is all different painters in the middle ages

How was the Renaissance worldview different from the Middle Ages?

The renaissance was a time of change and creativity

How did early renaissance paintings differ from middle ages painting?

perspective instead of only two dimensional

What Longest meddle ages war?

The Hundred Years' War.

What is the definition renaissance accountant?

Renaissance ART is art that came shortly after the middle ages. This art included building, painting, and sculptures. Mostly found in Florence, Italy.

Were the clothing during the Renaissance and the middle ages the same?

There was a certain overlap between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, particularly in Italy, where the Renaissance began about a hundred years before the Middle Ages ended. So there was a point when they were the same. Fashions change, however, and this was especially true in both the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Apart from that bit of overlap, clothing of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages were different.

What was the difference in dance between the middle ages and the Renaissance?

They are slightly different a renaissance is a more passionate dance.

Who labeled the Renaissance as dark ages?

The Renaissance was not labeled the "dark ages". Renaissance means "rebrith" and it came AFTER the "dark ages or the middle ages."

How the Middle Ages was a departure from the Renaissance?

Here is a quick answer. The middle ages was different from the renaissance because the renaissance was basicly a time when the arts music and science reawakened and had some advances to it. People were more interested about art, music, literature, and science in the renaissance. During the middle ages it was not as important to the people, so when the renaissance came the arts were kind of reintroduced to the people. The renaissance lasted from about 1300 to 1600.

Was a page from the Middle Ages or renaissance?

Middle ages

Witch came first renaissance or middle ages?

The Middle Ages came before the Renaissance. Renaissance means rebirth which is how I remember! Hope I helped:)

What was before the renaissance?

The Middle Ages was the time before the Renaissance.