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western paintings and prints

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Q: WHERE did the court painters for the 16th century mughul ruler akbar draw inspiration for their illuminated manuscripts?
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The earliest chant manuscripts date from what century?

The earliest chant manuscripts date from the 9th century. These manuscripts contain music composed for the liturgy of the Western Christian Church.

What 15th century invention led to a decrease of illumination by hand?

The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century led to a decrease in the need for handwritten manuscripts, which reduced the demand for illumination by hand. The ability to mass-produce books through printing made them more accessible and affordable, impacting the role of illuminated manuscripts in society.

What evidence can be found on the borders of illuminated manuscripts of Druid influence?

Absolutely none. The 'Druids' were supposedly a group of Brythons practicing arcane rites around stones.There is no mention of them apart from early Roman sources.Until the coming of the Anglo Saxons most of the population of Roman Brythonic society were illiterate. The Angles and Saxons commonly used runic symbols to write and they created the beautiful illuminated manuscripts which by the 10th century were famous throughout Northern Europe.

Where is the Book of Kells an illuminated religious manuscript kept?

The Book of Kells is kept at the Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland. It is one of the most famous and well-preserved medieval manuscripts in the world, dating back to around the 9th century.

What are some 19th century painters?


What does Raphael sanzio use to make his paintings?

It is important to know that until the middle of the 16th century no paintings were made without a commission. People contacted painters and asked them to make such and such a painting. Today artists produce what they like (through 'inspiration') and hope to sell it.

What Group of painters who perfected the technique of oil painting on canvas?

The first were the Flemish Renaissance painters in the first half of the 15th century.

What group of painters in the 19 century were initially scorned for their blurry paintings?

The Impressionists were the painters who were initially scorned for their blurry, fuzzy paintings.

Who was one of the most famous painters of the eighteenth century?

Paul Cézanne

What group of painters in the 19 century were initially scorned for their blurry fuzzy paintings?

The Impressionists were the painters who were initially scorned for their blurry, fuzzy paintings.

What group of painters in the 19th century were initially scorn for their blurry fuzzy paintings?

The Impressionists were the painters who were initially scorned for their blurry, fuzzy paintings.

Why were manuscripts so expensive in the early fourteenth century?

Manuscripts were expensive in the early fourteenth century due to a combination of factors. Firstly, the production process was labor-intensive, requiring skilled scribes to copy texts by hand. Additionally, the materials used, such as parchment and ink, were costly. Furthermore, the demand for manuscripts exceeded the supply, contributing to their high price. Overall, these factors made manuscripts a luxury item affordable only to the wealthy and elite.