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Q: What did samurai know how to paint?
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I saw a motorcycle helmet not a bike with a samurai with a sword on it and can't find it and don't know who makes it this is something I saw online so it was a production helmet anyone have any ideas?

Probably a custom paint job or decals. I don't know of any bikes that have had factory paint like that

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I Dont Know... do you?

Do the samurai power rangers know karate?

yes they do

As you may know from its English title how many samurai are there in the title of Akira Kurosawa's movie Shichinin o samurai?

Seven 7

Who is Demongo?

A cartoon villain from samurai jack <:( why dont you know this

Who is the warriors of feudal Japan who were know for their cunning?

Samurai/ Ninjas

Descriptions of customs and traditions in which samurai participated?

i dont know do you

How many people were members of the samurai class?

It is impossible to know

What are a samurais expectations in battle?

Samurai were expected to know how to read and write and know mathematics. The average samurai expected to have his basic needs taken care of in exchange for his services, to whoever could provide for him.

What are the martial arts as a samurai in japan?

to my knowledge the samurai studied judo and stuff like that ....i study the art of the samurai and i use katanas and do more then 6 types of martial arts . but they also did more then that but i do not know all of it

What about powder paint?

pouder paint is a type of paint in which water is not used

How many samurais were there?

um... I don't know a lot, but I do know this: There was at least 1 samurai :D SMD