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Q: What does rennaissance mean?
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What are facts about the Harlem Renaissance?

I don't know anything about the Harlem rennaissance, but here are a few facts about the rennaissance: 1. it means rebirth in french 2. it began in florence, tuscany 3. it started in Italy then spread through Europe 4. it has alot of paintings and famous painters 5. it caused the black death

When was the medieval art period?

There was art throughout the centuries, however the great period was known later as the 'Rennaissance' and took place from the 14th to 17 th century.

What were the two cultures helped create the renaissance?

It was mainly Itilians and those of roman decent. (Thecenter of the Rennaissance is widely considered to be Florence, Italy.) (see lorenzo de Meddicci.)

Who was Pieter brueegel the Elder?

Pieter Bruegel the Elder was a famous northern artist who lived in the late rennaissance from around 1525 to 1569. It is unknown if he came from the Netherlands or if he was Flemmish because old biographers say that he came from a town called Breda which exist in Belgium and in the Netherlands.He was unique for his unusual artwork which was landscapes on their own or with multiple scenes in them, which was unlike other paintings where the landscape was just a background of a religious image. His other unique style was to paint about peasants which barely anyone would think about, one of his famous paintings expressing his interest for peasants was the peasant weddingor the peasant wedding feast.

How did the Renaissance revolutionize European art and thought?

The way that the renaissance revolutionised European art & thought was that before the renaissance, people mainly only painted things to do with religion. Pictures were also mainly painted in 2D. When the renaissance occured, these things changed.

Related questions

What was the rennaissance?

Rennaissance is a cultural movement in Europe during 1400 to 1600 AD.

What is the concept of rennaissance?

Rebirth of new ideas, and inventions

Was rennaissance madrigal sacred music?

False - secular

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What happened during the rennaissance?

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1519 during the renaissance

What caused the rennaissance?

End of middle ages, smart thinkers like davinci, and new ideas

How did the rennaissance occur?

Before the Rennaaissance there was the medieval times where the church was a political power and religious power. it was also politically corrupt. Johan Gutneburg invented the printing press which was very important because it led to easie accsses of knowledge and becasue the medieval times were a time of little knowledge to no knowledge the printing press was probably the main reason the rennaissance occured. the reanisssance means rebirth. and the rennaissance was also a time of artistic flourishing.

What are the release dates for renaissance - 1981?

Rennaissance - 1981 was released on: USA: 1 May 1981 (limited)

What actors and actresses appeared in renaissance - 1981?

The cast of Rennaissance - 1981 includes: William Shrum as Tim

How do you go the rennaissance place to take ARtest?

go to the website, click student fill in password & username

When did the rennaissance begin?

The rennaissance started during the time period of the middle ages-500-1500a.d. It origanally occured in Northern Italy because of the feudal system they used. it was used to keep order and it also helped make Italy a center of economic life. Matt C.

Description of rennaissance?

The word renaissance refers to a time of European revival form the 14th century to the 17th century.