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Q: What is most closely related to Harlem Renaissance?
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Was most closely related to the Harlem Renaissance?

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What was most closely related to the Harlem Renaissance?

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What group was most closely related to the Harlem Renaissance?

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Which racial group was most closely related to the Harlem Renaissance?

African American (A+)

Which theme is most closely related to the Harlem Renaissance?

The theme most closely related to the Harlem Renaissance is the celebration of African American culture, identity, and pride. This cultural movement was a response to racial discrimination and aimed to showcase the beauty and achievements of Black people through art, literature, and music.

What theme would be most closely related to the Harlem renaissance?

The Harlem Renaissance is most closely related to the theme of African American cultural revival and artistic expression. It was a flourishing of African American culture in the arts, literature, music, and social activism during the 1920s and 1930s in Harlem, New York. Participants aimed to challenge racism and stereotypes while celebrating their heritage and achievements.

What group was most related to the Harlem renaissance?

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Langston Hughes James Weldon Johnson and Zora Neale Hurston are MOST closely associated with the .?

Harlem Renaissance

What type of music was popular during Harlem Renaissance?

Jazz was the most popular type of music during the Harlem Renaissance.

When did Harlem renaissance beguin?

The Harlem Renaissance began in 1919 and lasted until the early 1940s, but was most popular in the 1920s and early 1930s.

Where was the most famous places in Harlem during the Harlem renaissance?

The Cotton Club, Connie's Inn, Savoy Ballroom and The Apollo Theater were all popular places during The Harlem Renaissance.

What events led to the Harlem Renaissance?

The events the led the Harlem Renaissance were WW1 ,The jazz Age and the Great Depression,these events led this movement be one of the most critical of racial pride.