Silence Cloth is used on a dining table under the table cloth. It is a thick felt fabric that adds a soft barrier between china and silver and the wooden or glass table underneath. The term 'silence cloth' was given to the fabric as it silenced the clanging of dropped utensils. It also has the added benefit of protecting delicate china and porcelain place settings against chips and nicks.
They used cloth, paint, and plants.
his key material is african patterned cloth
It was a painting on a canvas, although it looked like it was done on cloth.
Silence Silence
Silence, of course! :p
The name is silent / silence. If you say anything to silence or where there is silence, you have ended the silence; it disappears.
Silence because when you say something when you are in a silent atmosphere then you are breaking the silence. Therefore it is not silent anymore.
Silence. As soon as you say the word silence, there is no longer any silence.
Th answer is silence. cause when you say it, it is no longer silent therefore, the silence is broken.
Silence for Silence - 1913 was released on: USA: 16 June 1913
There is no full form of silence. Silence simply refers to the absence of sound or noise.
Le silence (masc.) means the same as it does in English.
The silence was deafening.
Silence. Once you say the word silence, you have broken the silence.