The form 'hers' is a possessive pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun that belongs to someone or something.In the sentence, "Is that drawing hers?", it is easier to see when it is in the form of an answer, "That drawingis hers." The pronoun hers is taking the place of the noun drawing as a predicate nominative (a noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject, drawing = hers). The parts of speech are the same in the form of the question or the form of the answer.A possessive adjective is placed before a noun to describe the noun as belonging to someone or something. The corresponding possessive adjective is 'her'. Example: "That is her drawing." Here the predicate noun is drawing (that = drawing).
The word 'pointillism' is a noun as a word for a technique or style of painting in which small dots (points) of color are used to form an image; a word for a thing.
no century is a noun....
it's a noun. Can't think of a use as adjective.
Yes. It is a form of the noun horizon. It refers to the dimension that is parallel to the Earth's surface (i.e. sideways) rather than vertical (up and down).
No. Styled is a verb and an adjective: The hair designer styled my hair (verb); the styled design was a bust (adjective). The noun form is style as in "It was a new style."
No, the word 'bolder' is the comparative form of the adjective bold (bolder, boldest).The noun form of the adjective 'bold' is boldness.The word 'bold' is a noun form as a word for a typeface or font style.
The noun form for the adjective authentic is authenticity.
The noun form of the adjective 'dangerous' is dangerousness.The word 'dangerous' is the adjective form of the noun danger.The noun form of the adjective 'childish' is childishness.The word 'childish' is the adjective form of the noun child.The noun form of the adjective 'beautiful' is beautifulness.The word 'beautiful' is the adjective form of the noun beauty.
The noun form of the adjective 'wide' is wideness.A related noun form is width.
There is none other than the possessive form (princess's).The noun princess is a person, and there is no female version of the adjective princely.(The adjective princesse does not refer to a royal person, but to a clothing style.)
The noun form of the adjective 'comfortable' is comfortableness.The word 'comfortable' is the adjective form of the noun comfort.
The abstract noun form of the adjective unique is uniqueness.
The noun form for the adjective hilarious is hilariousness. A related noun form is hilarity.
The abstract noun form for the adjective convenient is convenience.
The noun form of the adjective 'considerate' is considerateness or consideration.
The noun form of the adjective 'modest' is modestness.A related noun form is modesty.