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Q: What is the history of Tie dye?
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What did the hippies wear?

yes, hippies wore tie dye in the 60's to show pride

Is history part of literature or the literature part of history?

I would say that literature came before history. Librarians put literature in the 800s and history in the 900s.

Where can one learn The history of American Art?

You can learn the the history of American Art by going online to the Best History Sites website. You can also choose to major in Art History at a local college.

How did Picts make blue war paint?

The ancients made a very good blue dye from the plant woad. To achieve the dye, the aerial parts (above ground: leaves, flowers and stems) of the plant were finely chopped and packed tightly into a wide mouthed container. Boiling water was added until the plant material was completely covered and the container was set aside for about an hour. Then the infusion (liquid) was strained off. At this point lye was added and the mixture was beaten with a whisk or similar implement for about fifteen minutes or so and the mixture would have been set aside to settle. Every day or so, any of the clear or very pale liquid that rose to the surface was poured off, until the remaining liquid was very thick and very dark. This concentrated liquid was poured into a wide pan and slowly evaporated off. The resulting dye was a dark blue powder that was usually mixed with animal fat to make a blue body paint. Please NOTE This process was messy and the dye was permanent, so those making the dye carried the stains for quite a while.

Is history concrete or abstract?

Concrete because you can see history and it takes up space

Related questions

Is tie dye a fad?

NO WAY! I love tie dye!

What hippie clothing is made with rubber bands and dye?

tie dye. tie-dye, man, tie-dye it's groovy That would be tie-dye. Bits of fabric are bunched together, secured with rubber bands and dipped into various colors of dye to create the color effects.

What dyes can be used to do tie dye?

For a colorfast tie dye a fiber reactive dye is needed such as Procion Dye from the Dharma Trading Company. Rit dye can be used but is not fiber reactive and not colorfast and the tie dye will fade colors after each wash.

Where did tie dye begin?

Japanese Shibori is an influence on modern tie dye designs.

Is there tie dye lipstick?

No tie dye is a color combination like hippie colors

Why do hippies wear tie dye?

I don't know why do hippies wear tie dye?

What countries still use tie dye?

countries that mostly used tie dye

Is there some meaning about marriage and tie-dye clothing?

There is no traditional use of tie-dye in wedding ceremonies or parties, but that doesn't mean that you can't add it into yours. If tie-dye is important to you, you can add it into your wedding in many different ways. You can have people wear tie-dye, you can have tie-dye decorations, or you can even have a tie-dye station. Just because it isn't traditional, doesn't mean it's not a good idea.

What are the names of the different patterns in tie dye?

the project name of different type of tie-dye?

Why was tie-dye used in the 1960's?

tie dye will not work if you don't tie the string hard enough also tie dye is not dark colours it is bright and it was found 5000 years ago in India,bandhani. also tie dye is what it sounds like in the name tying and dying string cloth/ fabric and multi colour tie dye wasn't found until 1950

How can you make tie dye t shirts with food coloring?

can you tie dye shirts with food coloring

Will tie dye shirts fade if you don't iron them?

No. I've had a couple of tie-dye shirts for several years, and they never faded after not ironing them (I never ironed them, and I used cheap tie-dye spray from my local craft store.)