How much is a copy of The Mona Lisa worth? A lot less than the real thing.
Legitimate replicas of coins that are marked with the word COPY are not counterfeits, they're a way for ordinary people to own a reproduction of something beautiful without spending zillions of dollars. As such, most copies are only worth a few bucks.
it symbolizes death of his lost love lenore. No,The Bust of Pallas is the Goddess of Wisdom. When the raven lands on the bust, it symbolizes that the raven is speaking the word "nevermore" from wisdom rather than just a stock reply. The symbolism of The Bust of Pallas gives the narrator's anguish more intensity because the raven "wisely" utters the word nevermore when asked about Lenore.
bust it
The Nefertiti Bust is made of painted limestone and is roughly 3,300 years old. It is believed to be the work of Thutmose in 1345.
Believe it or not, the model was not Charles Baudelaire. Baudelaire was a poet and art critic. Auguste Rodin created a series of busts of famous figures of his time, including Baudelaire, George Bernard Shaw and Georges Clemenceau. He chose to use a draftsman named Malteste as the model for the bust of Baudelaire. According to Rodin, Malteste had the characteristics he sought for the mask: "See the enormous forehead, swollen at the temples, dented, tormented, handsome nevertheless…."
In the round sculptures tend to free standing three dimensional forms -think of bronze statues or the lions in trafalgar square. In relief tend to be built up or carved out from a flat surface - medals and coins are good examples, they can still look three dimensional in that they have raised areas but the head on a coin is very different from the head of a bust. In relief sculpture can also stand up and you can walk around it however the proportions will not be right - in our head example the head could be on one side only with a flat back, or if the sculpture was in relief on both sides it would look like it had been severely squashed either side making an extremely thin face.
If indeed you have a silver dollar dated 1800, you have a Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Dollar... There are different varities worth varying amounts. In decent condition, $1500....In Mint State condition, $25,000 to $50,000
Please look the coin again, the US Mint did not exist in 1775 and the first Draped Bust dollar was produced in 1795.
A year is needed for an accurate assessment, post new question
It's a Capped Bust Half dollar and average coins are valued at $50.00- $100.00
A real 1796 Draped Bust dollar depending on type and condition has values from $1,300.00 to about $100,000.00
A 1821 Hald Dollar - aka - Capped Bust Half Dollar - in good condition (G4) is worth: $75.00; if the mint state is MS60, the value rises to: $1300.
A real 1796 Draped Bust dollar depending on type and condition has values from $1,300.00 to about $100,000.00.
A real 1796 or 1797 Draped Bust dollar has values from $1,300.00 to about $100,000.00 dependong on type and grade.
An authentic Draped Bust 1799 dollar in the base (MS-60) Mint State grades would have a current market value of $20,000.00.
Circulated coins run from $60.00 to $400.00 depending on grade.
The coin is a 1878 Morgan silver dollar and is common with values of $17.00-$31.00 in average circulated condition
depends on whether you have a draped bust or a capped bust, and if capped then large stars or small stars or 50 over 20 variety -- and what condition is it?