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The Prince Of Painters was the name given to the Renaissance artist Raphael.

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Q: What name has been given to the Renaissance artist Raphael?
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Which name has been given to the Renaissance artist Raphael?

The Prince Of Painters was the name given to the Renaissance artist Raphael.

Artist of the Madonna?

There have been hundreds of artists painting thousands of madonnas.

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Since Renaissance flourished from 1870 to a decade or two after 1900, there have been no Post-Renaissance artists before 1800. But in the late 19th century we had Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin.

What was Leonardo da Vinci's style of art?

Leonardo's style of painting was Realism, the Movement his art is placed in is the Renaissance.

When did Saint Raphael the Archangel live?

Raphael has never lived as a human. He has always been an angel living in Heaven.

What colors do Raphael Sanzio use?

i have been looking at all of raphael's paintings and the most occurring color is brown. :/

Why was the Renaissance given the name ''reborn''?

The word "renaissance" literally means "rebirth" in French. It was called this because it was a 'rebirth' of the arts, which had been failing in Europe ever since the fall of the western roman empire

Why is the painting 'Madonna and Child' by Raphael so famous?

Perhaps it is interesting to know that there are 28 paintings of Madonna and Clhild bt Raphael in existence. So talking about "this painting" is slightly misleading. Raphael was on the same level as Michelangelo and da Vinci during the High Italian Renaissance. Not only did these 3 artists inspire the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but their works are used daily in art classes the world over to inspire art students. The fame of this painting relies on the fame of the artist, since his 'Madonna and Child' is far down the list of his best known works. The image has been reproduced in many forms, and so it is well known to many people.

Have there been any exhibitions of paintings by the artist Sofonisba Anguissola in the US?

National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D. C., entitled "Sofonisba Anguissola: A Renaissance Woman."

When was the statue of David broken?

It ha never been broken, if you mean Michelangelo's David.

Was Raphael saadiq ever married?

No, he has never been married.

How old was Raphael when he died?

Raphael was born on April 6, 1483 and died on April 6, 1520. Raphael would have been 37 years old at the time of death or 532 years old today.