people love them
The time period of the renaissance was influenced by u24wufbnwi'ch93h2f
Well the Greeks influenced the people, to focus more on secular themes. So then people became less, and less dependent on religion.
Wayne got his inspiration from originally when he was a Young boy, his mom was a baker and some days she'd let him paint some of her cakes and other things, and she'd put them on show and people would go past and see them!
it has influenced art bla bla bla bla
hercules influenced history by having the ancient greeks build statues of him and that making people fight over it
the grekk history was mainly influenced by the mountains and seas
gloria white mrs.ross Ricky martin
they're very popular and influenced a lot of people
it influenced the history
Which Period Of History Was Great Influenced By Classical Greek And Roman Works?
Many discoveries in chemistry have influenced history.
because sargon helped many people and he influenced the people to do good things.
He influenced the art - not the history of Spain.
In its history of 5,000 years or more, there are hundreds of people who influenced hinduism. However, the Gods have not changed. The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva along with the Mother Goddess, Durga.
He influenced people by his views on life and God. He let his mind speak what he wanted to. He loved what he did and did it up to his death.
He has not influenced the world. He was involved in a small part of the history of a small part of the world.