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Q: What president was a cosmopolitan fashion model?
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Did Gerald Ford once worked as a fashion model?

yes as a matter of fact Gerald ford actually did work as a fashion model weird huh oh yeah nolyn said this yes as a matter of fact Gerald ford did work as a fashion model weird huh oh yea nolyn said this

Was betty ford a fashion model ever?

In the 1940's Gerald Ford did a bit of modeling and even posed on the cover of "Cosmopolitan". His wife Betty was also a dancer and fashion model, who signed with the John Robert Powers modeling firm to finance her dance education.

What US president once worked as a model?

Gerald Ford earned some money as a model for Cosmopolitan and Look magazines in the 1940s. Modeling was never his main job.

What are some fashion magazine titles?

Vogue, Glamour, Elle, Cosmopolitan

Who was the model in cosmopolitan with Kellan lutz?

Samantha Basalari

What is in cosmopolitan magazine?

Hi, this magazine contains info about: sex health fashion & Makeup tips

When was Cosmopolitan - magazine - created?

Cosmopolitan magazine was first published in 1886 in the United States. It started as a family magazine, but evolved over the years to focus on women's interests, fashion, and lifestyle.

What type of magazine do women like?

Some women like fashion magazines like Vogue or Cosmopolitan.

What publications have the latest fashion?

There are many publications that center on the latest fashions. Some of these are Elle, Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and In Style.

When was Fashion Model Directory created?

Fashion Model Directory was created in 2000.

Which futute president once appeared on Cosmopolitan magazine kissing his girlfriend?

Gerald ford

Which magazine is considered to be the foremost authority on womens fashion?

The magazine that is considered to be the foremost authority on women's fashion is Cosmopolitan, followed closely by Esquire and Marie Claire. Another such magazine is Life.