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Imitative counterpoint and homophony.

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Q: What two techniques were blended to form the compositional style for the mass the motet and the chanson in the high renaissance?
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The two most important genres of Renaissance secular music were the chanson and the madrigal?


What are the sacred and secular vocal forms of the renaissance period?

Sacred vocal forms of the Renaissance period included the motet, mass, and chanson spirituelle. Secular vocal forms included the madrigal, chanson, and villancico. These forms were often written for small groups of singers and showcased intricate polyphony and expressive text settings.

Who composed the chanson Puis quen oubli?

The chanson "Puis qu'en oubli" was composed by the 15th-century French composer Gilles Binchois. It is a secular song that was popular during the Renaissance period.

When was Chanson d'automne created?

Chanson d'automne was created in 1866.

When was Chanson D'Amour created?

Chanson D'Amour was created in 1966.

What has the author JM Chanson written?

J.M Chanson has written: 'The Regent'

What is the English translation of Chanson D'amour?

"Chanson D'Amour" ("Love Song")

What does la chanson mean in English?

"La chanson" is French for "the song".

Were French chansons in the Renaissance sacred or secular?

French chansons in the Renaissance are described as sacred, not secular. Their earlier manifestations take the form of epic poems, such as La Chanson de Roland ("The Song of Roland"). Their later forms tend to deal with courtly love.

When was La Bonne Chanson created?

La Bonne Chanson was created in 1937.

When was Hubert Chanson born?

Hubert Chanson was born on 1961-11-01.

What does the French word Chanson mean?

Une chanson (fem.) is "a song" in French.