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Q: What were the major innovations of the Impressionists in painting style and subject matter?
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How did the impressionists fadically change the art of painting in the 1870s?

The most major contribution of the Impressionists is the choice of subject matter. Before, a painting was 'supposed to be' of a grand theme, the Impressionists began to paint every day scenes of everyday people, peasants at work, people eating a meal and so on. The addition of painting outside and looking at what light was doing to a scene was also a very radical change. The accepted painters of the era were painting in the studio.

What is a subject matter?

Subject matter is what an art work has been created about. For example if you were to have a painting of a cow, then the subject matter is a cow.

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Subject matter refers to an area of interest a person has. Picasso's subject matter was art, more specifically painting.

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Northern Renaissance painters took the leading role in establishing new subject matter, such as landscape and genre painting.

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A painting with similar color schemes and subject matter is referred to analogous

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Northern Renaissance painters took the leading role in establishing new subject matter, such as landscape and genre painting.

What was the subject matter of impressionists?

The Impressionists like to paint subjects that included light! Impressionism is the study of light on a subject. Monet is the best example of an impressionist that was concerned about light. En plein air which means "in the open air" or outdoors was a new way of painting and let the Impressionists play with light. Monet's pond lilies series is an great example of this. Degas was particularly fond of painting prostitutes and sometimes horses at the race track. Degas never painted En plein except to do sketches and then finish in his studio. Manet was famous for painting controversial figures, with his most famous being Olympia. of all of the Impressionists he often was the most controversial and painted many images of people. Mary Cassatt (An American) was famous for painting domestic pictures of women and children. Renoir also painted children and people as subjects. Although the Impressionist were concerned with everyday images of France, especially street scenes, they did not represent the dark side of France very well; the poor. The opinion of the day was "who want to put an ugly picture on the wall?" So by the time Van Gogh was painting (who really was partially Impressionist and most Expressionist) and he painted the "Potato Eater", this subject was considered vulgar. The Impressionists painted everything that had to do with light and movement.

What is the subject matter of the artwork if any for the painting The Family of Carlos IV?

It was the 13 people in the painting

What is the subject matter Charles iv and his family?

IT was the 13 people in the painting

Which of these is not a characteristic of renaissance painting?

subject matter limited to Christian themes

What is the subject matter of the artwork if any?

Subject matter in art, is what the artist decided to use as it's model or main centre piece.

What type of subject matter did French impressionist painters such as Pierre - Auguste Renoir depict?

All impressionists painted outdoors. That means mostly women with their children or landscaping.