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Brian Harvey in 1967

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Q: Who invented logo?
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Who invented the logo for the broncos?

Laura North-Allen

Who invented the cotton logo?

the world will never know

Who invented the fair trade logo?

Elliot reed

Who thought of the Coca-Cola logo?

Chris 'Cocoa' Colingtown, was the person who invented the coca cola logo.

Who invented the Red Sox logo and have they ever had a different logo?

They've had a few. Check out to see most of them.

Who invented the postal logo?

The inventor of the postal logo is unknown. The USPS started in 1775 and with Benjamin Franklin as postmaster general.

Which group has an orange tree as their logo?

The group or company who invented the logo, an orange tree in an orange circular shape, is Timberland.

Who invented Logic oriented graphic oriented program?

LOGO or (Logic oriented graphic oriented) was invented by Wally_Feurzeigand Seymour_Papert.

When was McDonald logo invented?

i have no idea love eilish st peters school

Who designed guns n' roses artwork?

Some of it was Slash; he invented their logo.

Who invented the London 2012 Olympic logo?

a young man called bob lincon

Who invented the aditya birla group logo?

Vyas Giannetti creative , an advertising and design agency