It was the first freestanding nude male since antiquity.
this cant be answered you have to be more specyfik.
philippine sculpture is a kind of sculpture that are made from ewan.. hhehehe
In 1919 Moore became the first student of sculpture at the Leeds College of Art and Design. He was then 21 years old. 10 years earlier he had decided to become a sculptor.
Sculpture in historic places
I was 11 when I made my First Sculpture it was the Solar System
An sculpture of a fawn. Although, we only have records of it, the actual sculpture is now lost.
A sculpture of a faun. This sculpture is now lost.
Polykleitos, in his sculpture of Doryphoros.
Pizza is great have you ever tried it:)
When he was 13 years old he sculpted the head of a faun. That sculpture is now lost but it is on record as being his first sculpture.
Possibly sculpture. They carved small stone figurines.
The sculpture was free-form. This is a correct sentence if you capitalize first letter.
The Thinker is a famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin. It is a bronze sculpture on a marble base. The sculpture depicts a seated man, thinking deeply. The very first casting which was done in 1902 is in the Musee Rodin in Paris.
i.... just kidding!
In 1957 a 21-year old sculpture student invented it. His name was Don Featherstone. Hope that Helps <|:P