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leonardo de vinci



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Q: Who was part of the Renaissance?
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What is a part of the Renaissance musical mass?

There are many parts of the Renaissance musical mass. The Kyrie is one part of five in the Renaissance musical mass.

Is the high renaissance the same as the renaissance period?

High Renaissance is a period during Renaissance -it's the middle part, in about the 16th century.

Was Islam a part of the renaissance?

no it was not

Who is not part of the renaissance mass?


What part of speech is the word renaissance?

The Renaissance is a time period, thus... Noun.

Why was Leonardo da Vinci in the Renaissance?

Well, he was born during the Renaissance times so he was a part of it by default.The Renaissance is the name for the 1400s and part of the 1500s, the time when Leonardo lived.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Second Renaissance Part I - 2003?

The Second Renaissance Part I - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-15

How did Michelangelo Buonarroti renaissance?

Renaissance :is a time period most of the 15th and part of the 16th centuries. That is the time when Michelangelo lived. You cannot do renaissance!

What part of speech is renaissance?

The word renaissance is a noun. A renaissance is a revival. It also refers to the time between the medieval and modern time periods.

Where did the Northern Renaissance begin?

== The Southern Renaissance, or Italian Renaissance, began in Florence, in the northern part if Italy. The Northern Renaissance began somewhere in Northern parts like Germany.

What part did Erasmus play in the Renaissance?


Which of these periods was not part of the Renaissance period?
