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Lorenzo Ghiberti

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Q: Who won the baptistery door competition?
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Who won the competition to decorate the doors of the florence baptistery and spent the rest of his career engaged in this monumental project?

Lorenzo Ghiberti

Why in 1401 did the florentines sponsor a competition?

To choose a designer for the city's baptistery doors

Who was NOT one of the front-runners in the competition to design the reliefs for the north doors of the Florentine Baptistery?

I would guess, 'Andy Warhol', but you didn't say what the choices are.

What influence did Lorenzo Ghiberti have on art?

His second set of doors for the Florence Baptistery marked the advent of the Renaissance and was an inspiration for contemporary and later sculptors. Michelangelo praised them.

How do you say that their friend won the competition?

"Hey friend, you won the competition."

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The men's competition was won by France and the women's competition was won by Norway.

What story from the Hebrew Bible was the assigned topic for the competition to create a new set of doors for the north entrance to the Baptistery at Florence's Duomo?

God telling Abraham to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice, was the assigned topic for the competition. This happens in the Book of Genesis.

Who lost the competition to decorate the doors of the Florence Baptistery and went on to give his architectural stamp to Renaissance Florence?

Filippo Brunelleschi did, well, he came in second after Lorenzo Ghiberti.

What is a baptistery?

A baptistery is a designated space within a church where a baptismal font is located, and where the sacrament of Christian baptism by aspersion takes place.

What is baptistery?

A baptistery is a designated space within a church where a baptismal font is located, and where the sacrament of Christian baptism by aspersion takes place.

Who won the cheerleading competition in 1978?

Which competition are you talking about? There are many! ~EA

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I aM mE Won