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Giorgio Vasari

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Q: Who wrote the first art history book?
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He wrote a book called "About the Spiritual in Art". This was what was important to him.

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pre- history art is like art from mesopotamian,assyrian, and summerian art the book that would really help you with that is gardners art of the ages volume 11

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Amanda Renshaw has written: 'The art book for children' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Art appreciation, History, Juvenile literature, Art

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"Pumping Iron: The Art and Sport of Bodybuilding" was written by Charles Gaines and George Butler. It was first published in 1974 and has since become a classic in the world of bodybuilding literature.

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Guy Kawasaki wrote the book ''Selling the Dream.'' The book focuses on the art of selling products and ideas by inspiring people to believe in a vision.

Who is the historian that wrote the book lives of the most imenent painters?

Giorgio Vasari, an Italian painter and architect, wrote the book "Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects," commonly known as "Lives of the Artists." Published in 1550, the book is an important source of biographical information and art history of Italian Renaissance artists.

What are the three ways that art historians analyze works of art?

They use form, content or theme, and context. straight from my AP art history book ;)

Who was the first art in world?

In fact, it depends of what you consider as being art. Most people think that the first art in history was the painting in caves by cavesman.