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Q: Why do you think artists and writers started portraying America more realistically?
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There are a lot of famous artists who draw insects. Such artists include Maria Sibylla Merian who started drawing insects at age thirteen.

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It allowed for more realistic paintings.

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james brown

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probably the nsfw artists.

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It started in America.

Which group of people supported Renaissance artists?

Well, the Renaissance movement in general was started in Italy, by many famous artists in the 15th-16th century. Cities would hire and/or support these artists. After the Renaissance movement started in Italy, many other European countries started to follow it, which led to more artistic and cultural improvements, aswell as an increase in the number of known artists.

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* ---- Ross Perot started United We Stand America.

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It was started in 1950 by Pan America. Pan America was one of the United States of America's airlines.

What happened when renaissance artists started perspective in their painting?

It allowed for more realistic paintings.

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no, mcdonalds started America

Where did the Great Depression started in America?

=The great depression started in Colonial America and began in 1930-1940.=