form_title= Fireplace Insulation form_header= Curl up by the fire once it is insulated. How old is the fireplace?*= _ [50] Have you installed insulation before?*= () Yes () No Have you done any other repairs on your fireplace?*= () Yes () No
Vent free fireplaces can be installed almost anywhere, refer to the model your are interested in, every vent free fireplace has it's own clearance requirements, including floor to ceiling (Never install a TV above a vent free fireplace!)
With the average fireplace design it is not needed to have those grates installed. They are only there to keep your fireplace clean during non use. So without them the fireplace will be usable but will have to be cleaned more often.
They can be safer, as long as they are installed correctly. They don't need a brick chimney for venting, they also can be installed near wood because they are insulated to prevent overheating. They are just as safe, if not safer, as brick installed fireplaces.
form_title= Fireplace Tile form_header= Create a beautiful place to relax with fireplace tile! What are the dimensions of your fireplace?*= _ [50] What type of tile do you what installed?*= _ [50] What color do you what the tile?*= _ [50] Do you want the current tile repaired?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure
Fireplaces are a great investments. It can cost anywhere from $75 to $200 to have it installed in your home. It depends on the looks you want and where you want it installed.
If the fireplace has been installed in accordance with local codes, and the proper venting devices have been provided and installed, yes. If you have any question about this, call the manufacturer whose name should be on the interior frame of the unit in plain sight.
form_title=Install a Fireplace Mantle form_header=Upgrade the look of a room with a mantle. What type of mantle do you want installed?=_ What type of fireplace is in place?=_ What material would you like used?= () Wood () Marble () Tile () Brick () Laminate () Other
If you have a properly installed chimney, with correct insullation, you don't need to worry about items that you place on the mantle.
Fireplaces are generally pretty bad at heating. A set of doors for the fireplace can help. A heat exchange grate with a blower can get more warm air out into the room. The best solution is also the most expensive- a properly installed fireplace insert. This is basically a wood stove that fits into the fireplace.
A professionally installed outdoor fireplace will cost approximately $1400 minimum. The more extravagent you get with the fire place the more expensive it will be. They can range all the way up to $20,000.
An air conditioners usually installed at the top portion of the room because as cool air is heavier than warmer air so it settles down at the bottom due to which the cooler air goes up into the airconditioner and cools down.