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This is easy enough but understand that the current output is very weak and will normally only power a low-watt light bulb for a short time. What you'll need is two clean copper wires (about eight inches long), a lemon (room temperature) or a potato (warmed but not cooked), a small low-watt light bulb, and two highly conductive and fairly stiff rods.

You just hook the wires to the light and to the conductive rods and incert the rods into the ends of the lemon or potato. Sometimes it even works better if you complete the circuit for a few seconds by just touching the wires together before you hook them up to the light. ( it just starts the chemicals inside so that you get a stronger output of electricity)

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Q: How could you make an electric circuit with a lemon or potato?
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How could you make an electric curcuit with a lemon or a potato?

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In the short run, a lemon. For the carbs, and in the long run, a potato.

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Not sure what you mean with "lemon circuit", but in an electrical circuit, the switch can be just about anywhere.

Is the potato best conductor of electricity than a lemon?

No, a lemon is a better conductor of electricity than a potato. This is because the citric acid and water content in a lemon make it a better electrolyte compared to a potato, allowing for the flow of electricity more efficiently.

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If you compared a potato with a lemon they wouldn't be much alike so it is probably a base.

How many volts does a lemon and a potato produce?

a potato because it has more density and oils

Which will generate more light on a light bulb a potato or a lemon?

A lemon would generate more light on a light bulb due to its higher acid content, which can create a small electrical current when connected in a circuit with a light bulb. Potatoes have lower acidity and will generate less energy in comparison.

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A Lemon because more acid btw hii !:) Amanda cristian isaih

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you suck like a vaccum cleaner! :d

Does a potato powered clock work better than a lemon clock?

Yes!! William A. Borst invented the potato clock in 1983.