go to the gadget room and under surveillance the brown hat with the purple line through the the hat pick it up and go to the town and enter the coffee shop and pick the cookies and the man will give one go outside
put the hat on the green puffle and feed him the cookie
Basically, the only dance floor is in the Night Club. You can access the Night Club by going to the Town and waddling over by the entrance of the Night Club.
at a really busy night club... probably around $800 a night, at a semi-busy club probably around $400 a night... at a slow club around $150 a night... i work at night club for many years.
You have to bee a bin tycoon to get a night club cuz i have a night club and I'm a bin tycoon!
you can only get to the roof during the night club dance party
Night club
Mid Night Club was created in 1985.
Fly by Night Club was created in 1896.
Spancox - to the club :-)
In the Night Club.
club penguin getting on top of the night club.to get on top of the night club first you have to press the custom button where you zoom in and type in 700. then you should see the night club roof. walk on top of it zoom out and you are on top of the night club!if you can't do it comment me at either www.jillianrocks.weebly.com or e-mail me at jillian.dicker@comcast.net
the night club in clubpenguin is in the town. its the middle building, between the coffee shop, and gift shop
Tuesday Night Book Club was created in 2006.