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Q: Is a92 Nissan Pathfiner V6 3.0 an interference motor?
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How do you turn off the abs light on a92 buick road master?

Maybe you have to clean the wheel speed sensors

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The firing order for a92 passat 4-cylinder is 1,3,4,2

Were is the camshaft position sensor on a 92 ford explorer?

a92 ford exp. has no camshaft pos. sencor. it has a crankshaft pos. censor.

What color coolant for a92 toyata Camry?

Your coolant should look green. If it's getting rust colored,then it's time to replace it.

Can you swap a92 350 for a vortech?

You can, as long as you change the complete wiring harness, Computer, Fuel pump with 1 that will operate the VORTEC engine.