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4.2 light years is the distance to the Alpha Centauri Star System.

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Q: 4.2 light years is the distance to what planet?
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How many years equals 42 light years?

None. "Year" is a period of time, but "light year" is a distance ... the distance light travels in a year. If a distance could be converted to a time, then you'd be able to figure out how many minutes wide your bedroom is.

How far is planet Kepler from planet earth?

The Kepler Satellite has discovered well over a thousand planetary candidates, via transit. Kepler-10 b is 173 parsecs (564 light years) while Kepler-35(AB) b is 1645 parsecs (5365 light years). Kepler 42 b, c, & d are 38.7 parsecs (126 light years). This satellite is not a planet, but rather an artifact orbiting our sun at about the same distance as the Earth, built to detect exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets that orbit stars beyond ours.

Which planet experiences 42 earth years of constant summer followed by 42 earth years of dark winter?

Uranus experiences 42 earth years of summer followed by 42 earth years of winter.

Which planet has both 42 years of darkness and sun?


Which planet experiences constant daylight or darkness for 42 years at its poles?


Does planet Darwin 4 really exist?

yes. it exists it takes 42 years to catch it it is called our twin planet

The days on this planet may last 42 earth years and the seasons may last 21 earth years?

Because Uranus' axis of rotation is in the plane of its orbit, the poles of the planet face the Sun. This means that each pole is illuminated for half of its 84.3 (Earth) year orbit, making a day on the planet last roughly 42 Earth years.

Why does one side of Uranus get 42 years of light while the other gets 42 years of darkness?

Uranus' axis is tilted almost 90 degrees.

What number is the earth?

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Why do astronomers give the distance from the stars as light years in stead of kilometers?

There are 9.46073x1012 km per light year. So the nearest star is 42.257x1012 (42 trillion) km away. Such numbers are large and cumbersome. It is much easier to say that the nearest star is 4.5 light years away, and this value also yields immediately the amount of time required for light to travel from that star to us. The lightyear is therefore a very natural unit of measurement. Sometimes astronomers use parsecs, or the distance from our sun to an object with a parallax angle equal to one arc second. This works out to 3.2615638 light years. I personally prefer the light year unit of measurement.

What are facts about Uranus and its relationship to Earth?

# Uranus is a planet. # It has rings around it. # Uranus' rings might have formed from broken moons. # Since it lies on its side, the North Pole gets 42 years of daylight while the South Pole gets 43 years of darkness.

What is the apparent magnitude of capella star?

Capella is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga.It has an apparent magnitude of +0.91.However Capella is a four star system split into two pairs of binary star systems. They just appear from Earth as a single star.