

Are blue stars cooler than red stars?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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No, blue stars are hotter than red stars. In other words, red stars are cooler. Think of it as fire. The red one is hot, but the blue flame is RAGING hot.

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Q: Are blue stars cooler than red stars?
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Are blue stars hotter or cooler than red stars?

According to Wien's law, red stars are cooler than blue stars. This concept can be easier to understand using a light bulb. For example, when you turn off a light, the temperature of the bulb will decrease and you will notice the bulb turning red. The cooler light becomes, you will notice the obvious change in brightness and the color shifts towards red and the intensity is lowered.

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red stars are cooler than the sun

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The large hot stars are typically called "blue-white" stars or also Blue Giants. Cooler large stars are called Red Giants.

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Red stars can be smaller or larger than blue stars as there are two types of red star. Red dwarfs are much smaller than blue stars while red giants are much larger than blue stars.

Is there a way if telling which stars are hotter or cooler by the naked eye?

Stars which are RED are cooler stars than the blue one, so Yes it is possible to distinguish coller stars by the naked eye.Star Betelgeuseis called Ardra in Indian-Astronomy. Ardra in sankrith means wet. Betelgeuse is one of the red star and cooler than other bluestars.I only wonder, how ancientpeople could have imagined this star could be cooler than others and name it as Ardra !

Are red stars hot or cool?

Red stars are cooler than stars of other colors but are still quite hot, which is why the glow red.

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the main colors of stars (from hottest to cooler) are blue, white, yellow, orange, red.

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No. Yellow stars are hotter than red stars.See related question.