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Due to the scientific law that states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it is extremely likely that all of the stars in our universe were formed from older stars that had released some or all of their matter.

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Q: Are new stars formed from the material of old stars?
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Related questions

Do New stars form from the material of old stars.?

From the material of old stars.

Where do new stars get their matter from?

new stars can get matter from old stars and comets really anything it can get its hands on

What does the type of stars found in halo and bulge indicate?

The fact that the halo and bulge are made exclusively of old stars mean that those parts of the galaxy formed first and are filled with old stars

How is there oxygen in stars?

Most stars that are around today are made of old material from dead stars. Those old stars produced oxygen as a product once they started fusing helium and heavier elements. Some old stars are currently producing oxygen through nuclear fusion.

Metals are relatively more abundant in new stars or old stars or neither?

new starssource: Why_are_metals_less_abundant_in_older_stars_than_in_younger_stars

Which galaxy has no blue stars?

Elliptical Galaxy The Elliptical Galaxy has mostly old stars and blue stars are new stars.

Can you have the new stars link?

If you have an old refrigerator, you can be able to find the new stars link. The stars are what the regulatory body uses to measure how effective a given device is.

What are the major differences between semi-conservative and conservative replication?

According to the conservative mode, of the two double helices formed one would be entirely of old material and the other entirely of new material. Thus the old parent double helix would be unchanged. According to the semi Conservative mode proposed by Watson and Crick, each strand of the two double helices formed would have one old and one new strand

How the stars sizes classify it depends on what?

Gigantic clouds of gas and dust left behind by old, massive stars slowly compress into potential new stars. Large stars are formed in stellar nebulae like small stars; they just require extra mass. Towards the end of their lives many stars turn into giants or even supergiants. That depends on the initial mass of the stars and on the progress of the nuclear fusion reactions in the stars.

In general how old are stars?

A typical star has an age of several billion years. Some stars have formed more recently, and are only a few million years old - or even a fraction of a million years, since new stars continue forming all the time. The oldest stars are just a bit younger than the "age" of the Universe (the time since the Big Bang) - which is currently estimated at 13.8 billion years.

How old are the youngest stars?

The age of individual stars can be as varied as the ages of individual human beings. The Sun (or the Star in the Sol system) is estimated at roughly six billion years old. It is thought there are stars that are as young as one billion, and others being currently formed.

When a DNA molecule formed its half what?

half old and half new