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Q: Are the first four inner planets gas giants?
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How are inner planets and gas giants similar?

they orbit the sun and are the first four outer planets

Are all inner planets called gas giants?

No that's what the four outer planets are called.

What are the four inner or terrestrial planets?

The 4 "inner planets" are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.The solar system consists of two types of planets: terrestrial and jovian (or "gas giants"). The inner four planets, which are all terrestrial, are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars (from closest to furthest).

What kind of planets are the first four inner?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the first four inner planets. The asteroid belt is what separates the inner and outer planets from each other. There are thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt.

How are the four outer planets alike?

The four outer planets are all of the type astronomers call "gas giants", and have no hard, rocky surface per se. The inner planets are all solid rocky "terrestrial" planets. Also, the four outer planets are larger in size and lesser in density than the inner planets.

What are the four inner planets of your solar system called?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the 4 inner planets.

What planets are terestial?

The four inner planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They have a clearly defined `terrain`, whereas the gas giants don't.

How do planets farther from the sun differ from that planets that are closer to the sun?

The four outer planets are gas giants - they are much larger than the four inner planets, and they consist mainly of gas - they don't have a surface on which you can stand.

How big is Mother Nature compared to the other planets from your neighborhood?

The planet Earth is the largest of the four rocky inner planets; it is smaller than any of the four gas giants.

What are inner planets and sometimes what are they called?

There are four planets in our solar system considered 'inner planets': Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These four also belong to the classification "terrestrial planets." Three of them (Venus, Earth, and Mars) are in the habitable zone, a zone in every system in which life can live, under the right conditions.

Compare the atmospheres of the four inner planets?

compare the atmospheres of the four inner planets

List the four inner planets in order of size from smallest to largest?

The inner planets in order are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsThe outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn (Gas giants), Uranus, and Neptune (Ice Giants)