

Are there houses in Mars

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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None have been observed. It Martian houses do exist, they must be underground or very well concealed.

^ to the guy that posted above me. Nope, there are no houses. There maybe life-forms, but possibly tiny or invisible. Our technology is still in its advance stages

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Q: Are there houses in Mars
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Do Mars have house on there planet?

there are no houses on mars buut can we build houses on mars that is what scientists are trying to figure out

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No life has been found on Mars as of yet - and no intelligent life exists there. As such, there are no alien houses on Mars.

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Are there underground houses in Mars?

Nobody Knows but there could be if there was intelligent life on mars but I am guessing no.

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yeah they are making houses on the moon so that they can fly to the moon, rest there, get enough equipment to go to mars and make houses there to go somewhere eles.

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Mars is not known to support human beings. Only probes/machines/etc. have been to Mars. Unless special longterm breathing equipment is made, probably not in the near future...

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by developing technology we can develop more advanced space suits/ rockets/ fuels/ houses (for living on mars)/ vehicles/ and other things that will help us survive on the harsh surface of mars that has an average temperature of −55 °C!

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A lady from one of the other houses, the thought of her as a second mother so they had to listen =]

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Whenever they find minerals in mars, or build houses there,maybe the total costs of government decreased.Everybody who likes to live in Mars , travels there and others live in Earth.They deliver minerals to Earth and process it to make things.Maybe they find something special in Mars.

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The Mars is far from the Earth.NaSA scientists are going to build a residential area in the Moon .After transferring tools,machines and (in near futuer) engineers to Moon, they load accessories to Mars for more investigation for minerals , water and suitable place for building houses in it.

YouTube says there houses on mars is this true?

ABSOLUTELY - Buses and trains too. When I was there I bought a 'Rover Ticket' and travelled anywhere all day for the cost of a decent curry. Highly recommended.

What do the Mars people eat when they are on the planet Mars?

There are no people on Mars, and no astronauts have visited Mars. The Moon, yes, Mars, no.