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Venus is larger than Mars, but a little smaller than Earth.

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Q: Can Venus is the largest planet than mars or not?
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Which planet if further from the sun mars or Venus?

Mars is further from the sun than Venus. Mars is the fourth closest, while Venus is the second closest planet to the sun.

Is the earth the second smallest planet?

No. Earth is the largest of the terrestrial planets (of which there are four in the Solar system). Mars is the second smallest planet (Mercury is the smallest, and Venus is just a little smaller than Earth).

What is the 6th planet of the solar system?

Venus is the sixth largest planet in our solar system.

What planet is bigger Mars or Venus?

Venus is bigger than Mars.

Is Mars the 3th biggest planet?

No, in order of size from largest to smallest the planets are:# Jupiter # Saturn # Uranus # Neptune # Earth # Venus # Mars # MercuryNo. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Earth and Venus are all larger than Mars.

Which planet is smaller than Venus?

Both Mars and Mercury are smaller than Venus. Pluto is also smaller than Venus, although it is no longer considered a planet.

Is Venus the smallest planet in our solar system?

Of the 8 major planets, Venus is third smallest, after Mercury and Mars. All of the dwarf planets, including Pluto, are also smaller than Venus.

What is the largest of the terrestrial planets in the solar system?

Venus and Earth are called "Sister planets" but if you've noticed Venus is bigger than Earth so therefore Venus is the biggest planet.

What two planets are next to the earth?

Earth is the next planet to orbit inside Mars, while Jupiter is the next planet to orbit outside Mars orbit. Mars' orbit is closer to Venus (and Mercurys') orbit than it is to Jupiters though.

What planet is closer to the sun than Mars?

Mercury Venus and Earth are all closer to the sun than mars

Which planet out of the inner planets is the largest?

Mercury is both the smallest inner planet, and smallest planet in our entire solar system.

How does venus rank in the largest plants in the solar system?

Venus is the sixth-largest planet in our solar system, preceded by Earth, and proceeded by Mars. There are twelve smaller planets (ten dwarf planets, two terrestrial planets) than Venus in the system, and five larger planets (two gas giants, two ice giants, one terrestrial planet) than Venus.