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Draw a diagram using compasses. The Sun is at the centre and the Earth's orbit could have a radius of 4 inches. Put a spot somewhere on the orbit to represent the Earth. Then the Moon's orbit is a small circle round the Earth with a radius of 1/100 inch, about the size of a full stop.

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Q: Can show us a diagram of the moon sun and earth orbit?
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Which part of the Moon's orbit around earth?

All part of the moon orbit around earth. Orbit mean moving around a centre object. It is different from rotation around its' axis for which, the moon show only the front part to earth.

Why does the moon show in daytime?

It is because it takes the moon about one month to orbit the earth and so it is possible for the moon to be seen in the sky the same time as the sun. click on 'related links' below to see a picture of moons orbit.

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How do you show that the same side of the Moon is facing Earth all the time?

Simply looking at it will show that. It always looks almost exactly the same, at least the parts that you see illuminated. The Earth and Moon are "tidally locked" so that the Moon, while it takes about 27 days to orbit the earth, spins exactly once in that time. Occasionally we can see a little bit of the far side along the edges, because the orbit is not a perfect circle.

Why do the sun's rays strike the moon?

Because the moon encounters the direct sun as it rotates around the earth. Viewed from earth the moon can appear as a full moon, half moon, crescent or anything in between. Also as the moon is high in orbit around the earth, the moon can show the reflection of the sun, even though the sun has set below the horizon or has not yet risen.

How far is the moon from the earth show the math?

There is no math to "show". The moon's distance from earth varies, but the average distance of the moon form earth is about 236,000 miles (378,000 Kilometers).

What is the work done by the moon in revolving the earth?

Orbiting bodies are held together by the mutual force of gravitation between them. Without gravity, the moon would go sailing away in a straight line, and would never be seen again. Similarly, the earth would go sailing away from the sun.

What did Newton universal law of gravitation show?

Newton used the law of universal gravitation to show why the moon orbits the earth and does not take off in a straight line from earth. He also used it to show that Kepler's laws of orbiting bodies is true, that planets orbit the sun in ellipses etc.

What is the show 'From the Earth to the Moon' about?

The show "From the Earth to the Moon" is a television mini series telling the story of the landmark Apollo expeditions to the Moon during the 1960s and the early 1970s.

When the moon orbits the earth then the moon is a different shapes what are they called like half moon or full moon?

There are 8 main phases of the Moon: (starting with the moon in front of the Earth [between Earth and Sun] and moving counter clockwise) - New Moon - Waxing Crescent - 1st Quarter - Waxing Gibbous - Full Moon - Waning Gibbous - 3rd Quarter - Waning Crescent - New Moon (again) I wish I could show a diagram, but I can't. Also you can have 2 full moons in a same month this is called a blue moon

How long is the moon's rotation?

The rotation of the moon, or the time it takes to rotate on it's axis exactly once, is 27.322 days (rounded), and the moon's orbital period, or the time the moon takes to complete one full revolution around the Earth, is exactly the same. That's why the Moon appears to always show the same face. We see the same side of the moon and never get to view the far side from Earth.

The sun the moon and the Earth are all linked by gravity The sun pulls more than twice as hard as the Earth so why doesn't the moon go flying off to be with the sun?

Because the sun doesn't actually pull harder than the earth does. The basics of orbital mechanics show us that if something is at the right distance and going at the right speed, it will stay at that same distance and speed until virtually forever. The earth also orbits the moon while the moon orbits it, and the resulting centre of mass is what actually orbits the sun. because three is nothing to stop either of these orbits, the moon and earth continue to orbit the other and the centre of mass continues to orbit the sun. Besides this, the moon is pulled away slightly when it is between the sun and earth, but is pulled back to the earth when the earth is between the moon and sun. This creates some imbalance in the distance the moon is from earth, and in total the average is a certain distance which results in the moon staying right where it is; next to earth.