

Could the sun go out

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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No the sun will never go out so we have nothing to worry about; unless global warming gets worse then we have a big problem. But that's not the point the point is the sun will never go out so do not worry about that.

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Q: Could the sun go out
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Temporary/permanent blindness is the biggest one. Your eyes could be permanently damaged. It is just too bright, and don't do it.

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1. You could go to a tanning salon 2. You could lay out in the sun and get a tan 3. You could get a spray tan

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All times of the day. Just dont look directly at the sun. You could go blind.

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The Sun doesn't go anywhere, the Earth is orbiting the Sun.

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The sun doesn't go down We go round.

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No. Our Sun isn't massive enough to go supernova, or to turn into a black hole. A star needs to be more than 3 times more massive than our Sun in order to become a black hole.

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from my research it could go about half a year with out sun light also it could be around twenty four hours.