

Best Answer

Yes there are: Only two planets (known) has no moons: Check the list below: Planet/number: Merkur: 0 Venus: 0 Earth: 1 Mars: 2 Jupiter: 63 Saturn: 48 Uranus: 27 Neptun: 13 Pluto: 3 (dwarfplanet) Eris: 1 Hope this helps: Data comes from Wikipedia

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Q: Do any other planets have moons and if so which ones?
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Do any planets have less then 10 moons?

Yes. Many Planets and dwarf planets have less than 10 moons. Planets: Mercury- 0 moons Venus- 0 moons Earth- 1 moon Mars- 2 moon Neptune- 8 moons Dwarf planets: Pluto- 3 moons and many other dwarf planets that i don't know how many moons they have.

Does Venus have any moons or rings?

No. Venus is devoid of rings and moons. Mercury is the only other of the eight major planets that has no moons. Both planets are closer to the Sun than Earth is.

How many planets have more moons than Jupiter?

None no planets have more moons than jupiter and jupiter has atleast 63 moons more than any other planet

Is planet mercury have any other simuliarities to any other planets planet?

Venus because they both have no moons

Do any of the outer planets have moons?

Yes. All four of the outer planets have multiple moons.

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no its doesnt have any moons. because its to hot for it but they consider the planets to be the suns moons

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What 3 planets have no moons?

Only Mercury and Venus do not have any moons.

Do planets have children?

No Moons that circle around the planets are their children. Mercury and Venus don't have any children because they hate each other and all the other planets are partnered.

Which two planets are the only planets to not have any moons?

Mercury and Venus

Does the planet have any moons or ring?

I am not sure which planet you are talking about but earth does not have any rigns and it only has one moon. There are several other moons that belong to other planets and Jupiter and Saturn have rings.

Does the planets have any moons?

Yes. In the Solar System, all planets except Mercury and Venus have one or more moons.